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The twelve Holy Nights are those between Christmas and Epiphany.
In many traditions these days are considered to be special, characterized by a light full of new potential, which we wish will remain throughout the coming year.
At this time, the biological rhythms of our bodies are slowed down by darkness and cold, but precisely because of this it is easier to perceive and welcome the “New Light” and to meet our own spiritual side which is now privileged over the physical one.
Intentionally moving closer to the subtle worlds, connecting and integrating this “New Light” allows us to receive guidance, support and inspiration throughout the new year.
This is the time when we enjoy the opportunity of this deep connection with the universal cosmic energies and we have the opportunity to receive from them all the energy we need to accomplish ourselves and our life.
These twelve days, between Christmas and Epiphany, are not just being special for their energy quality, but also because they are symbolically considered a miniature model of the new year, a twelve-step zodiacal “stairs”.
Each of these “steps” represents the challenges and gifts that life brings us at different times of the year and which are well represented by the characteristics of the 12 zodiac signs.
Every night by going to sleep, through simple practices, we can “plant” some seeds-ideas for each zodiacal period which will then gain strength, blossom and bear fruit during the year, concretely helping us to accomplish ourselves on both physical and spiritual levels.
Walking this “stairs” with awareness can mean for the human beings to fulfill themselves in their entirety and to ascend from the dark to the Light, growing their material nature and the spiritual one.
But we are not alone on this path.
In our occidental tradition, the powerful flows of the cosmic energy that act in this period are guided by the Zodiacal Archangels, who are responsible for bringing harmony between the individual destiny and the collective one (and vice versa) on the whole planet.
Through the path of the 12 HOLY NIGHTS we can connect with these Beings of Light and learn to plan with them a new year full of good energy for us and for everyone.

My name is Annamaria Poclen and I am an accredited holistic counselor and practitioner.
I have been dealing with Angels for a long time and since the 90s I have celebrated Christmas through the 12 Holy Nights.
I started my training path in the early 80s when (after going through different artistic, musical and pictorial experiences) I had the opportunity to approach the energetic vision of the ‘I Ching’, the ancient chinese book of changes, already a source of inspiration for numerous artists, therapists and scholars of various disciplines.
This meeting introduced me to the invisible world of the energies. It allowed me to know and investigate, over time, the different aspects of their procedure, both on the person and the environment. It helped me understand that in their conscious use, the artistic, symbolic and spiritual components play a fundamental role, both for their management in space and time, but also as a powerful vehicle for self-healing.
Thus the meeting with the Angels has become not only a way to further develop my inspiration and creativity but also a powerful way to help people feel good.
The whole set of my studies and research has led me today to practice and teach various energetic and vibrational techniques at Cultural Centers and Associations, some of which are original and innovative. It all aimed at achieving and maintaining the well-being of the individual as a whole and to the development of human potential as an evolutionary tool.
I deal with bioenergetic harmony for the person and the environment; with Chinese Astrology of Nine Star Ki; with art for well-being and, of course, with Angels.
My qualifications are:
Professional Holistic Consultant n° FR393P-CO
Holistic Operator Trainer n° FR1530T-OP
Professional SIAF governed by the law 4/2013
My company is:
ARMONIA by Annamaria Poclen
Where: via Tiepolo 7 – Monfalcone (GO)